
Is Vision Linked To Your Child’s Reading Level?

In a 2018 study published by the University of Waterloo in Canada, researchers reported the link between your child's vision and their reading level. Researchers found that elementary school children who read below their grade level might have problems with their eyesight. What's even more intriguing is that the researchers even noticed these trends if standardized eye exams showed that a child had 20/20 vision.  What the Study Found Researchers reported that standard eye exams don't always include binocular vision assessment. Read More 

Understanding When To Take Your Child To An Eye Doctor

When you have children, their health and wellness become one of your top priorities. As a parent, you most likely want to know when your child should have an appointment with different health care professionals. Continue reading to learn more about when you should take your child to see an eye doctor: Regular Check Ups Just like seeing a pediatrician for a well check, kids should see an eye doctor annually to have their vision checked. Read More 

4 Tips For Buying The Perfect Pair Of Sunglasses

One of the top accessories that may help your vision over time is sunglasses. These will protect your eyes from the sun and are essential to have while driving down the road or working in the yard. The good news is that with a bit of effort, you can find the ideal pair of sunglasses to meet your needs. It's essential to know some specific tips that may be of great help to you before you go shopping. Read More 

3 Signs You May Need To Consider Cataract Surgery

If you have been living with cataracts, you may have had little to no symptoms up to this point. However, if you find that you are having trouble with certain areas of your life, you may wonder if it is time to consider having surgery. If so, look for the following signs that the time has come to start thinking about having cataract surgery. Inability to See While Driving at Night Read More