
What Is Glaucoma And How Can It Be Prevented?

Glaucoma is one of the more common eye diseases out there. In fact, more than 3 million people in the United States have glaucoma, according to the Bright Focus Foundation. This eye disease causes damage to the optic nerve and is more common in people with diabetes, high blood pressure and eye injuries. The idea of developing glaucoma is scary, so it is helpful to learn some more information about the disease. Read More 

Low Vision: What It Is And What You Can Do To Improve Your Quality Of Life

If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with low vision, you might not quite understand what this diagnosis means, or if this is a common problem. According to the Vision Council, it is estimated that between 3.5 and 5 million Americans are suffering from low vision, which can greatly impact a person's quality of life. Here is some vital information about low vision, including what you can do to make you or your loved one's life a little better: Read More 

3 Homemade, Natural Solutions To Clean Your Contact Lenses

Vision is an important part of your life, so it is easy to see why annual vision exams are necessary. During an exam, you may learn you need a form of vision correction to improve your eyesight and the underlying health of your eyes. Eyeglasses are a common option for many patients with vision issues, but contact lenses are appealing because they do not need to be worn visibly on the face. Read More 

Migraines & Sensitivity To Light? 3 Medical Conditions You’ll Want To Rule Out

If your eyes are sensitive to light and you have debilitating headaches which you believe are migraines, you may be interested in getting a pair of light sensitive sunglasses. However, it's important to get a proper diagnosis for your light sensitivity and headaches to rule out causes other than migraines and/or conditions that are comorbid to migraines. That way, you can get the appropriate treatment and the best sunglasses for the condition that ails you. Read More